
Mirror, mirror ... - Advice for women

Advice for women
Envy celebrities for premium services, they receive a daily ...

Every day secretly dream to have perfect skin like that actress from that movie, while focusing its relatively cheap cream.

We know that the stars have available the best skin specialist, professional cosmetics and hordes of helpers who do not give a hair can fall from their heads, if not unavoidable.

Relax, and ordinary people have rejuvenating strategies and tricks that will make your skin and look gorgeous and young in the long run.

Invest in cleaning products
Nothing makes skin more radiant daily exfoliation. Invest in a good cleaning to sleep with a clear and calm the skin. Removing makeup is very important for maintaining young and healthy skin. When the face is thoroughly cleaned, the better absorbed nutrients from beauty creams.

Do not forget your neck
We should not concentrate only on the care of the face. We regularly Deal products and on the neck and décolleté. Many women use cosmetics mainly on the face and neck is a sneaky telltale traces applied time.

Clean face before bed
There is one golden rule that every woman should learn at an early age - he can not sleep with makeup and have nice skin. The two things are simply incompatible.

Skin regenerates at night. If you want to change the status, you can place your product at bedtime. No matter how tired you are at the end of the day take 5 minutes to clean the face. It will be grateful in the morning.

Cosmetic procedures
As much as you want yourself to achieve perfect looking skin, there are certain procedures that can only be made by beautician. Take money from your monthly budget and be pampered with a rejuvenating therapy.

Vitamin C
This vitamin is present everywhere in our lives. His attributes are infinite. Here's that part in rejuvenating and refreshing the skin. Known use products with lots of vitamin C, to have radiant and healthy appearance.

Face Mask
Be sure to buy a suitable for your skin type mask. Apply according to the instructions and you will see results. This product should not be ignored. Take time and money for this procedure.

Want to have beautiful breasts and taut. Sports is one way to achieve this.

The perfect sport to increase the tone and improve the appearance of breasts is swimming.

Alternatively - if you do not have access to a pool, gym or has some simple but effective exercises that will help you strengthen your chest muscles.

Exercise with free weights is a great way to keep your muscles toned under the breast tissue. The neckline will look fuller and more attractive. Regular physical activity can actually reduce the risk of developing breast cancer by 33%.

Study involving more than 3,000 women found that women who exercise between 10 and 19 hours per week during their reproductive years, on average about 30% less risk of malignancy.

Healthy and shiny hair is like a business card. To have beautiful hair, you can count on not only the latest fashion cosmetics and ointments, but you have to eat properly.

Relax, you will not export another lecture on healthy eating, which will point fingers what can and what can not be present on the plate.

I just wanted to share that if you include more almonds and walnuts in your diet, your hair will be pleased and will reward you with its beauty.

Nuts are rich in vitamin E and he in turn has great antioxidant properties that fight free radical damage. They are everywhere - in food, in the air ... cause premature aging of cells. However, vitamin E fights the effects of harmful particles and helps restore affected areas.

You can use vitamins in the form of oil that is rubbed into the scalp. It protects hair from flowering ends.

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