
For acne close at

Acne is an inflammatory disease of the hair follicle-fat. Often occurring in oily skin as a result of increased secretion of the sebaceous glands mostly on the face, chest and back.

There are several types of acne. The most common form is acne that occurs during adolescence - juvenile acne. The reasons for it is the activation of hormones during puberty.

Another factor that may increase the occurrence of acne during this period was blocking the exit of the sebaceous glands, which leads to the formation of black and white dots.

It is important to know that oily skin is due to the increased production of sebum. It increased sebum creates a favorable environment for active and reproduction of bacteria and Pityrosporum Propionibacterium acne's, which are the basis for the development of acne.

Acne can be caused by excessive intake of carbohydrates. This includes mainly the consumption of desserts, chocolates and confectionery, foods rich in refined white sugar.

And, new types of acne - fitness, stress and cosmetically.

Fitness acne develops due to excessive intake of proteins in the form of supplements frequently used by athletes. Steroids and anabolics increase the risk of acne. In this case, acne is more severe and is characterized by the appearance of many cysts mainly in the back, which are susceptible to treatment difficult.

Stress acne due to increased nervous excitability, which worsens the overall skin condition. When the body is under stress emit different neuropeptides that stimulate the function of the sebaceous glands. This leads to the emergence and worsening of acne.

Cosmetic acne is due to the use of products containing petrolatum and lanolin. These thick and oily substances are clogged pores action that causes acne. Both ingredients now rarely used in cosmetic products. The problem occurs more quickly for use homemade ointments.

Treatment and the treatment of acne depends largely on the stage it. When acne is not as severe and serious, treatment consists of cleaning the pores and comedones and reduce sebum secretion with antiseboreyni preparations. As such, using 1-2% salicylic alcohol and other prepared lotions containing glycol or hydroxy acids.

In more severe cases a combination therapy - antibiotics and determined by the specialist and dermatologist-tested cosmetic medical product. Treatment is monitored by a dermatologist to achieve the best therapeutic effect and avoid resistance to bacteria inhabiting the skin of the antibiotic.

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