Breya (lat. Tamils communis ) is a perennial creeping herbaceous plant with a fleshy, tuberous rhizome, up to 20-30 cm long. The stems reach 3-4 m in length. The leaves are long-stalked, ovate or obovate, with a deep heart-shaped base, pointed at the apex. The flowers are pale greenish. Blooms from May to July.
The plant is found in moist, shady brushy places and in beech forests throughout the country up to 1200 m above sea level.
Action and application . The herb is mainly used for external application, it causes local irritation, redness and warmth. The rhizome is used only in folk medicine. The highly irritating substances, calcium oxalate and other ingredients contained in it have determined its use as a local irritant in articular rheumatism, sciatica and other inflammatory processes ("stabs", muscle pains, pleural adhesions, etc.).
It is also used for hemorrhoids . It can also be taken internally for constipation, but very carefully, as a slightly larger dose causes vomiting and diarrhea. Folk medicine also recommends the drug for facial injuries, where it contributes to the rapid spreading of subcutaneous hemorrhages. In addition to the rhizome, some peoples also use the juice of the fresh plant, the leaves and the fruit.
Method of use . Externally apply 200 g of grated roots soaked in 1 l of olive oil or concentrated alcohol and olive oil in equal parts. The extract is ready for use after 20 days. The juice of the plant is also used for lubrication.
Another way of application is by mixing the crushed bray rhizomes with a little oil and gently rubbing the mixture on the skin of the affected area. It starts with the smallest amounts, which are increased if necessary. A powder of dried rhizomes of Bray is used to sprinkle on wounds to speed up their healing.
The rhizomes (Rhizoma Tami) are used for medicinal purposes .
Chemical composition . The rhizomes contain formic and oxalic acid, alkaloids , glycosides, saponin, etc. Their juice contains highly irritating substances
Adverse reactions to the plant. The herb, taken internally, irritates the digestive tract and has a laxative effect, and in larger doses causes vomiting and diarrhea. Because of this, breat is almost never used for oral administration.
Combination of bray with other herbs. It is used separately and combined only on the recommendation of the treating therapist.
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