
How to deal with fatigue in summer heat?


In addition to heat stroke, which is a more dangerous condition, a rise in temperature can cause fatigue and a feeling of listlessness.


These are typical signs of asthenia that appear at the change of season, and if the temperature rise is sudden, the body has to make extra efforts to get used to the new temperature.


Adaptation to longer days

Our body works in perfect synchronization thanks to our biological clock, which regulates the production of hormones .


And the "batteries" of this biological clock are mostly solar.


As the daylight hours increase, as summer approaches , the body must make an effort to readjust.


In theory, the readjustment is easier in the summer because it dawns earlier and in natural light, melatonin,  the sleep hormone that increases with darkness, decreases.


That is why in the summer we feel fresh and awake already in the morning.


Light acts as an authentic and healthy natural "alarm clock" that makes us feel energetic in the morning.


The problem is that this increase in daylight hours is accompanied by high temperatures.


Lowers blood pressure and increases sweating


Fatigue caused by heat has a physiological explanation:


Higher temperatures can cause blood pressure to drop .


In winter , blood pressure is higher, because with the cold the blood vessels narrow, but with the heat they expand and its values ​​decrease.


In fact, hypertensives control their condition better in the summer .


However, very high temperatures can favor sudden drops in pressure that can cause fatigue and even dizziness.


Heat also increases sweating as the body's cooling mechanism.


Sweat glands in the skin generate sweat to cool the body by evaporating water, which can lead to mineral loss.


The main minerals that are eliminated are chlorine, sodium and magnesium.


Magnesium  is involved in energy metabolism and contributes to reducing fatigue.


Poorer sleep quality


As the days get longer, many people change their daily routine, eat later and stay awake longer, reducing their sleep hours .


In addition, in the  heat , we  all get used to disturbed sleep quality. 


There are two external factors that are key to a good rest: darkness and the ideal temperature .


In order for the pineal gland to trigger the melatonin cascade necessary for falling asleep, it is necessary for the room to be dark and the body temperature to drop approximately one degree.


That is why it is easier to sleep in a much colder room than in an overly warm one.


The ideal bedroom temperature for falling asleep should be 18.3ºC, although most of us sleep at around 21ºC.


How to deal with the heat?

  • Waking up with natural light . It is recommended not to lower the blinds when we fall asleep, so we will wake up with natural light and feel more active in the morning. In this way, our biological clock will adapt more quickly to the longer days.
  • Avoiding going to bed late. If we sleep later during the weekend, it is advisable not to get up early the next day. Maintaining sleep favors the proper functioning of the metabolism.
  • A lighter  meal . With the heat, the body loses much more water and minerals such as magnesium, the deficiency of which causes fatigue . You should increase your fluid intake during the day and include more water-rich foods - vegetables and fruits that are lighter. In the heat we need fewer calories than in the winter.
  • Waking up with a morning shower . This activates blood circulation in the morning and makes it so that more oxygen reaches all the cells of the body. It is recommended to start the shower with warm water and end with cold.
  • Stretching on waking. Physical activity in the morning generates endorphins and increases energy levels and self-esteem.
  • Taking supplements - in case of fatigue , it is recommended to take supplements with magnesium or B vitamins.

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