
Pets masks for face with strawberries

Strawberries unless they are very delicious and are good for nourishing and toning the skin. The offered you three easy recipes how to make natural facial masks at home.

For normal skin

This mask works very refreshing for tired person. Provides skin with vitamins, giving it freshness and softness. First clean your face with a good tonic and rinse with lukewarm water. Apply mess of mashed ripe strawberries. After 15-20 minutes rinse your face with lukewarm water and apply a nourishing cream.

For dry skin

This type of mask nourishes and refreshes the face. Take some ripe strawberries, mash them and mix with a nourishing face cream and 1 teaspoon copper. Apply the mixture on your face for 20 minutes. Then remove it with a pad soaked in lukewarm milk.

For oily skin

You have pores? This mask with strawberries helps to narrow pores. Mix 2 tablespoons mashed fresh strawberries with whipped egg whites, 1 teaspoon starch and 1 teaspoon olive oil. Apply the mixture to the face. After 15 minutes wash your face first with warm then with cold water.

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