
FutureShapeTM - the smart and easy way to lose weight

If you’ve tried and failed to lose weight before, you may believe that it’s just too difficult or that diets don’t work for you. And in one sense, you may be right: traditional, extreme diets that leave us cranky and starving don’t work—at least not in the long-term as they are hard to sustain. FutureShapeTM can help you win the battle of the bulge by aiding you in expending extra unwanted calories. You can lose weight without feeling miserable, dehydrated or deprived.

Successful weight loss
Your weight is a balancing act but the equation is simple: if you eat too many calories, your body will store the excess as fat. On the other hand, if you eat too few calories, your body will go into starvation mode, and will store as much fat as possible for "food storage." Hence it really is all about balance - in what types of food you eat, in how you approach fitness, in the way you manage your weight and in combining work and play. In fact, with thousands of products and services (diet programmes, supplements, pills) available to support you, it can be downright confusing and overwhelming trying to plot a course through all the information with so many competing for your attention. But fret no more.

FutureShapeTM is the smart choice
With the aid of FutureShapeTM and its highly rated products you can manage your weight – safely, naturally and healthily. The products, in convenient pill form, have no harmful side effects, are drug-free and without any artificial colourings, flavourings, salt or preservatives and also suitable for vegetarians.

Totally simple and easy to follow, the FutureShape™ range of products were each designed with a specific purpose that can either be used individually or in combination – customised to be as individual as you are, all synergistically working to complement your modern, busy life. With FutureShape™, you have at your fingertips everything that you need for effective weight loss. The revolutionary FutureShapeTM lineup consists of four different products in its range: a carb blocker, an appetite reducer, a fat burner and last, but not least, a fat binder. All tailored to you, helping you continue to enjoy the foods you love, while cutting out the unwanted calories. Developed by leading scientists, nutritionists and formulators in the industry, with the latest scientifically proven ingredients, FutureShapeTM is your partner to a better shape.

Absorb less carbs
FutureShape™ Carb Blocker is designed for people who are concerned about their carbohydrate intake, and allows you to indulge in starchy foods that otherwise might be considered “off-limits”. Its unique combination of natural and stimulant-free ingredients inhibits and reduces the digestion and calorie absorption of carbohydrates from food. So if you like pasta, rice, bread and potatoes, this is the right solution for you.

Curb your appetite
FutureShape™ Appetite Reducer helps control appetite and hunger-pangs by promoting a pleasant feeling of fullness and therefore satisfaction. For those who enjoy large meals and those who enjoy snacking …your hand reaching for a pack of potato chips, or peanuts or a chocolate bar...this is the product for you. It encourages smaller meal or snack portions, curbs cravings, and consequently, a lesser caloric intake.

Burn fat faster
FutureShape™ Fat Burner helps to burn stored body fat, prevents excess fat from being stored, and also reduces diet-related stress. This all helps in increasing your metabolism, which increases the body’s chance of creating a calorie deficit, thus resulting in losing those unwanted pounds. It should be noted that unlike many other traditional fat burners it does not contain ephedra or any other stimulants. You are working out regularly and are looking for some additional support? The perfect supplement and boost to your diet and exercise plan.

Reduce fat absorption
FutureShape™ Fat Binder reduces calories absorbed from dietary fats and helps to manage appetite and cravings by averting fat absorption into the body, and allowing it to pass naturally, thereby preventing unwanted weight gain. Less fat absorption, less calories leading ultimately to your ideal shape! Are you a lover of fattening things like mayonnaise, butter and oil…then this is the product for you.

FutureShape™ Mix and Match
FutureShape™ can support your efforts to lose weight if you keep an eye on calories and keep active. FutureShape™ aims to be your long-term solution in the quest for a better shape.

You want to know more? Visit our website (www.futureshape.com) and take a look. Then, choose the product which suits best to your eating habits and develop a daily routine that will be convenient and easy enough for you to realistically stick to.

Just picture eating your favorite foods and still having the opportunity to manage your weight effectively. FutureShape™ helps you get the shape you want solely through its smart innovative approach – what more could you ask for?

SmithMeyersLaboratories Pte Ltd

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