
Daily cleansing - a guarantee for beautiful and healthy skin

To restore luster and purity of his face have softer, smoother skin and feel the comfort and confidence, daily clean face.

Even the most perfect natural beauty lackluster, if not making daily skin care for face and body. Daily cleansing is extremely important. Dust and sweat accumulate on the skin as a thin layer to be removed.

It has been shown that the majority of skin problems - including acne and enlarged pores are a consequence of not cleaned or cleaned incorrectly skin.

Alarming is the result of a poll in which about 20% of women hurrying to bed without having removed the makeup from her face.All the shadows on the eyelids, the remnants of lipstick, powder and tush at of lashes must be removed.

By simple washing can be removed only waterborne contaminants - such as salts, but not the makeup that contains fat.If not properly clean your eyelashes, they will become brittle.

Ideal for this purpose are two-phase products

Their fat containing mixture is further enriched with moisturizing hyaluronic acid. So delicate skin around your eyes will not only clean but also refreshed.
However, it should follow the following rule: always run the cotton-top down on the closed eyelids.

Very practical for sensitive skin are moisten wipes that do not lay bare. Soybeans and wheat extracts retain the flexibility of the eyelids and reduce the feeling of too tight skin.

If you wear contact lenses, you should use only oil-free cleanser.A make-up are recommended materials that are easily removed with warm water.

Today the market offers many cosmetic products that will help you with daily cleaning and maintenance of face. Simply right to choose, taking into consideration the peculiarities of your skin.

Cleansing Milk

Cleansing milk is ideal for dry and sensitive skin. Whether you use cleansing milk or cream, the end result is the same. These products are for dry skin.
Massage gently for one minute to mix well in a total mass of cleaning agents and dirt. Then wipe it with a damp cloth or cotton swab. Finally, rinse your face with lukewarm water.

Toilet milk remains in the form of a thin protective layer and the skin is not stretched. But it is not suitable for oily skin because oily even more you. This will only incur a sort of rash of tiny pimples.

Cleaning Gels and Lotions

Cleansing lotions and gels consisting of 90% water and other moisturizing agents. Gels made further refreshing and cooling effect. Ideal for skin that does not tolerate much fat and needs a stronger hydration.

Gels and lotions often contain antibacterial elements which have excellent anti-inflammatory effects. Not suitable for dry skin that dries and stretches more after application, and can lead to embarrassing red spots.

Never rub hard with cotton when cleaning the face, because it will irritate the skin further. Apply it with a gentle massage: gentle massage movements from the horizontal center of the face to face, then climb down the cheeks and nose to neck. The skin will reward you with an accelerated natural regeneration. Second - complete cleansing tonic, rub it into skin with light circular movements.


Once you remove makeup and wash your face with warm water, you get a sense of clear skin. But it still is not quite clear. Stubborn dirt particles and residue from cleaning equipment must necessarily be removed with toilet water.

Ideal transparent, fragrant waters. They are also more practical if you need to hurry or on the road and around a fountain there. This would remove once and makeup and dirt. And you will not have any problems if your skin is oily or normal.

It is inappropriate to use the toilet water if your skin is sensitive because it could inflame - too much moisture is removed from it.Better are the natural products without preservatives flower petals.

Face Masks

Cleansing mask improve skin condition in record time, removing dirt, fats and toxins. But remember that oily skins need this kind of mask twice a week while dried should not overdo it - one mask a week is sufficient.
To avoid exposing your skin to the danger of excessive tension , keep the mask moist. For this purpose does not Apply directly to the person on a wet gauze. So then more easily and will remove it.


The removal of dead cells and impurities allowing skin to breathe and is enriched with oxygen. It is shiny, soft and reflective. There are two types of peeling products: creams, sparkling or cleaning agents. The former are most relevant for sensitive and dry skin epidermis. Spread to the entire face (except eye area) and neck.Wait awhile, then massaged with the length of fingers caress with gentle movements, like the caress, moving from the nose to the ears. The skin should not be stretched.

Penny for peeling contain granules and are more suitable for combination and oily skin. It must be moistened by peel is done with circular movements of the fingers purposes without the pressure and friction.

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