
Aging Skin

If the essence of life is in constant change, the most notable evidence of this is our skin. That it is the body that are most noticeable change in the natural course of the processes of growth, development and aging.

Apart from age (chronological aging), however, the skin is affected negatively by a number of other factors such as sun, wind, cold, bad habits, etc. Let this article to take the necessary measures to keep your skin looking fresh and well.

Skin changes associated with aging
The skin becomes rough
The skin becomes inelastic, due mainly to loss of elastic tissue (elastin)
The skin loses its density and becomes more transparent with age. This happens due to thinning of the superficial skin layer (epidermis)
Skin lesions appear as benign tumors
The skin becomes more "brittle" as a result of changes in the area between the epidermis and dermis
The skin becomes more fragile. This is due to thinning of the wall of blood vessels with age.
Changes in the skin:

The loss of fat especially in the cheeks, temples, chin, nose and eyes may be the cause of sagging skin, seemingly sunken eyes and poor appearance.
The loss of teeth in the field can cause visible wrinkles around the mouth.
Replacement of cartilage with bone highlights bone structure of the nose.
Dry and irritated skin
Dry and irritated skin is a sign of the natural changes of aging. About 85% of older people complain of irritated when they are indoors and heated dry air. This is mainly due to the loss of sebaceous glands.

Everything else, which further dries the skin by excessive use of soap and hot tubs may worsen the problem. If your skin is very dry and you are complaining of constant itching, consult a doctor. This condition can cause many more serious problems - can worsen your sleep, make you irritable or be a symptom of disease. Some medications can increase itching.

Harmful factors
How your skin changes with age depends on a variety of factors, most important of which are:

  • lifestyle
  • nutrition
  • heredity
  • personal habits

Of course, there are many other factors that influence. Essential for the appearance of wrinkles and skin spots are normal processes of aging, excessive sun exposure and loss of subcutaneous fat (fat between the skin and muscles).

Stress, pregnancy, the movements of facial muscles and posture during sleep are secondary factors that accelerate skin changes. When the skin loses its elasticity, gravitational forces cause the skin of eyebrows and eyelids hang but that of the cheeks and jaw to relax and to form a "double chin".

Lines as a result of facial movements are more visible when the skin starts to lose its elasticity (usually as people reach the age 30-40 years). These lines can be horizontal on the forehead, nose vertical or rounded in temples, upper cheeks and around mouth.

Posture during sleep
The position of the head on the pillow can also indicate a negative impact on the appearance of the face. As a result of compression of the face to the pillow in bed can wrinkle, which are located mostly in the forehead, eyebrows starting and ending in the hairline near the temples. Another characteristic of their location above the root of the nose or in the form of small rounded lines around the temple, the upper cheek and mouth.

The best sleep position for your person is sleeping on his back.

Exposure to intense sunlight
Ultraviolet rays from the sun damage the elastic fibers of the skin, leading to loss of skin elasticity, and stretching to its appearance of wrinkles. The skin loses its ability to restore its original position after stretching. It also becomes more fragile, and recovery processes occur more slowly. Remember that sun damage to skin, may not occur immediately but over time they accumulate and eventually become visible.

Although skin has some reparative abilities, almost nothing can repair skin damage caused by excessive stay under the sun. However, it is never too late to start to keep. The most effective way is to avoid long exposure to the sun or at least use sunscreen creams and lotions.

Smoking also spoils your skin! Smokers have more wrinkles than nonsmokers of the same age and same type of skin show a large number of studies.

Hormonal factors

Well known for its effect on mood and osteoporosis, estrogen's also exert a strong influence on the processes of aging. Therefore, in menopause, a reduction of hormonal activity, aging processes are accelerated. Hormonal changes distort the normal structure of the skin: it loses its density, dry, relaxing dermo epidemic compound. Face loses its oval.

Partial solution to this problem can be found in the intake of phytoestrogens or hormone replacement therapy. For this purpose, consult your doctor.

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