
Do not allow the face to wither - grandmother's recipes 2

       Cosmetics from the kitchen

The yoghurt
For any type of skin on the face, a yogurt mask cleans, refreshes the skin and improves the condition of the cells. We apply yogurt to the washed and dried face, which we leave until completely dry without facial expressions and rinse with lukewarm water. For dry skin, we apply a thick yogurt mask milk (1 coffee cup) and 1 tsp. oil or olive oil and citrus juice. After 20 minutes, wash the face first with warm, then with tap water.

To clean, tighten aging skin or in case of fatigue, as well as prophylactically when losing weight in fat people, we make a bath with salted water, using sea salt - a handful of salt dissolved in the bath is enough. You remain at rest for 10 minutes and then rinse your body .If you don't have a bathtub, before bathing, wet your body and rub it with salt placed in the bath mat. Wait for 10 minutes and take a bath. This way you will remove the dirty layer and sweat and achieve smooth skin. If you have cracked or broken nails, soak your fingers evening in salt water for 15 minutes. Then dry them and smear with castor oil or oil.

For hard, oily skin after a bath, wash with vinegar water - 1 tbsp. at 1 p.m. warm water and leave for 1/2 hour. Then rinse. In case of dandruff - wash greasy hair with tar soap, and dry hair with soft soap. Pour a decoction of nettle roots, 50 g of nettle, 200 ml of vinegar and 200 ml of water - boiled for 10 minutes .You leave the hair to dry without washing it.

For dry or normal skin, for weak, undernourished or aging skin, make a mask of beaten egg yolk mixed with 1 tsp. olive oil or glycerin. Let the mask dry without facial expressions and wash first with warm, then with cold water. Oily skin dries, and wrinkles are tightened by a mask with beaten egg white. Let the mask dry and wash it with cold water.

Any type of skin is nourished, dewy, softened and refreshed by applying a thin layer of liquid honey and leaving it on for 20 minutes. The skin must be thoroughly cleansed beforehand. The mask becomes more useful if we add citrus juice. The honey mask is not applied to very sensitive skin skin, tender, reddened skin, with red spots or tan.

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