
Acne and Oily Skin Care Tips

If you have oily skin, you are likely prone to acne as well. This is just one of the disadvantages of having this skin type. Other downsides are having visibly larger pores and the embarrassing shine on the nose, forehead and cheeks, also known as the T-zone. Summertime is the worst season for someone who has oily skin hence the appropriate skin care regimen is needed to keep excess oil at bay. The right products are also needed to prevent acne from developing. In the following paragraphs, you will learn tips for proper acne and oily skin care.

Finding the right facial wash is a must for someone who has oily and acne-prone skin. Skin experts advise the use of a gentle cleanser that is oil-free and formulated with 2 percent salicylic acid to fight acne. This ingredient works by unclogging the pores with oil and dirt without leaving the skin dry. Remember to pick out a cream-type cleanser for the cold season and a foaming cleanser during the hot season. Cleanse your face twice a day, in the morning and evening. If acne leaves your skin reddish, you can use Aloe Vera gel as a natural facial cleanser. It is effective in reducing skin redness and contains natural ingredients that can treat pimples quickly.
The next step to an acne and oily skincare regimen is toning and moisturizing. Be careful in using products on oily skin type because harsh products can leave the skin dry. You don’t want this to happen because once the skin misses on moisture, the sebaceous glands will act double time to produce more sebum. So, to avoid this from happening, learn to treat your skin well by avoiding alcohol-based toners, hyrdroquinone and mineral oil. Serum or light lotion should be used as moisturizers for oily skin. Oil-free, water-based and hypoallergenic preparations are also recommended as to not leave the skin oilier. If there is a moisturizer brand that has acne-fighting formulations and SPF15 or higher, then that would be hitting two birds with one stone.
Exfoliation is also essential in keeping the skin shine and blemish free. Large pores, excess oil, dirt and dead skin cells are the perfect ingredients for pimples. Exfoliating your skin once or twice a week can clear pores with dead skin cells and stimulates new cells to form. Remember to use a gentle exfoliating scrub and be careful around blemishes as to not irritate and inflame your face all the more. After this, go ahead and pamper yourself with a facial mask. A deep-cleansing, clay-based mask can help tighten the pores, absorb excess oil and make your skin feel refreshed.
Moving on to makeup, a lot of women know how to care for oily and blemish-prone face but most of them fall short in choosing the right makeup for their skin type. For oily skin, using liquid foundation is not a good idea. Especially under the hot weather, oil-based liquid foundations will easily melt. If your face is oily and you don’t want to end up with blemished skin, it’s best if you use oil-free makeup like tinted moisturizers and mineral makeup. For a just-pinched look that lasts a long time, a powder or gel blush does the trick. Be sure to cleanse your face completely from makeup before retiring to bed.
Blotting paper is one of the niftiest beauty inventions. Use these to blot your face everytime you feel that you’re already shining with oil. It works well in touching up your makeup without smudging it. It is also better if you wear your makeup light to keep it from caking in the middle of the day. Another beauty trick to make your cosmetics intact all day and night is to use a makeup setting spray. Spray some on just before leaving the house.
Lastly, use acne spot treatments only if you have seasonal acne. Otherwise, consult a trusted dermatologist for prescription acne medication to address severe acne problems. Be careful in using acne treatments because most of them are too strong. It can also make the skin dry and sun sensitive so be sure to follow instructions carefully (acne medications are usually applied minimally and at night) and apply sunblock lotion. Following these helpful tips will ensure skin that is glowing with health and not with too much oil.

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